This is so important! If you have a cat, please neuter them. Entire males will search for females to mate with, contributing to the cat population in the UK. Entire females will be targets for males to mate with.
Even if your cats are indoors, they should be neutered. Their urges to mate are high when they are entire, and increases their risk of going missing and escaping.
Remember, siblings can mate! If you have a male and female living together, they can mate and have a litter.
Ensuring your cat is micro chipped AND the details on the microchip are always updated is vital in helping us. We get so many cats brought to us that are not chipped - this creates a lot of work for us and puts the cat through more unnecessary stress. We have to spend hours searching for potential owners, advertising them, and withholding care in case an owner is out there.
If you see a stray cat, please help us to help you. If you can place a paper collar on them for 5-7 days before contacting us (unless they need urgent medical attention), this saves us a job.
If you can take them to a veterinary practice to be scanned for a microchip, this also saves us a job.
If, once these things have been done, and you have locally advertised the cat, you have had no luck, then we can be of much more use to you - we can organise fosterers and begin to arrange rescuing the cat.
If you can drive the cat to us, or collect a trap from us, it all helps. We are a small, independent rescue that relies solely on volunteers who work full time. The process is much quicker and more efficient if we can all work together.
If you have a shed, or a spare room, or a bathroom, that can be spared for a couple of hours to safely secure the cat, this means we don't have to spend hours searching on the streets, or waiting for a call to say the cat has appeared in your garden. We appreciate this isn't ideal, however it is for a very short period of time and helps us immensely.
If a cat needs urgent medical attention, please do not wait for us to respond - take it to a veterinary practice.
If you would like to welcome a new furry member into your family, please adopt from a reputable rescue. Please don't go to online breeders. There are plenty of unwanted cats and kittens in the world, without more and more being added every day.
Remember, a reputable rescue will have had thorough checks done on the cats. Here at Feline and Wildlife Rescue Nottingham, we provide every cat with a medical check, a blood test to check for any underlying disease, and an FIV/FeLV test. We ensure they are up to date with their flea and worm treatment, and provide every cat with a dental procedure that needs one (these cost between £200-600 depending on the severity). We also neuter them - if they are kittens, we pay for this to be done when they are old enough. We provide a lifetime guarantee on the cats and will always offer help and advice to new owners.
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Please remember, we are an entirely volunteer-led team. We do this in our spare time, alongside having full time jobs, families, and lives.
Please be patient and kind.
We are doing our best at a time when demand hugely supersedes capacity.
Thank you for your ongoing support!